
Cambridge University: Scholarly Saviour or Social Suicide?

Cambridge University has a reputation of academic excellence and social decimation. It is viewed as a place where people strive for academic success whilst committing their brains to the psychological torture of uncaring professors and no mental health support. Anyone who has so much as considered an application there can attest to the praise and warning such an idea provides.  

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Why your teachers teach at A level

While being sat in your lessons, hearing your teachers feel passionate about the subject they teach, you may wonder what it is that inclined them to teach at this level, rather than GCSE or primary, well I conducted some interviews to help find out this cause. 

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The Best (and Worst) Subjects According to You

In a survey of students on college campus, they were asked to rate their subjects out of ten. These scintillating (and in some cases scathing) rankings have given us the definitive list of the best (and worst) subjects at King Ed’s, according to students.  

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Why do students hate learning MFL?

It has been brought to many language teachers’ attention (especially at GCSE level) that modern foreign languages are the dreaded subject for many students. Understandably, learning another language is naturally difficult, but often, MFL lessons are used to ‘mess around’ in school.  

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A guide to surviving exam season

As Christmas approaches, college has kindly decided to gift us a mountain of exams and tests. While it’s extremely helpful to consolidate your knowledge at the end of a term, having them all at once can be stressful and terrifying. Winter is grey and dull enough as it is, therefore, it’s vital to look after yourself throughout the storm of exams.  

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The Endless Climb

The grade on the front of your paper dictates your entire life; without perfection, you feel doubts drowning you in its unbounded ocean. Many students have an incessant need to be the best, to always come out on top, often disheartened when their reality doesn’t live up to the preconceived notion of what it should turn out to be. Maladaptive perfectionism encapsulates this feeling; by definition, it pushes students to be obsessed with achieving unattainable or unrealistic goals and ideals. 

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Is social media killing creativity?

Recently, I read a worrying article stating that through modern technology, us young people lack the time to be bored. That boredom is crucial as that’s when we have the time to be creative alongside the freedom to express and explore ideas. So, is this true? Is our average of 7 hours a days' worth of screen time contributing to a lack of creativity? Is our generation contending with a creativity crisis?  

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