Safe drug consumption rooms in Scotland

Published on 14 March 2024 at 08:30

It’s no secret that Scotland has been drowning with issues surrounding drug abuse and addiction among its general population. Being dubbed the drug capital of Europe, it is estimated that 1 in 60 have a problem with illegal substances. As the waves of poverty come crashing down upon many of the youth, they are swept up by the current of drug use as an escape. 

So, what is the solution? Well, Scotland are testing the waters with safe drug consumption rooms as a pilot in Glasgow. The idea is that by decriminalising the use of illegal substances, as well as having a dedicated safe environment for their consumption, will help people to seek support and receive help battling their addictions.  

The Scottish government will be funding this project (estimated to cost £7 million) and it is set to take place over 3 years, starting in the summer of 2024. The facility is aimed at stopping approximately 400 to 500 people from injecting drugs in Glasgow city centre on a regular basis.  

The intention is to limit the rippling effects of drug taking, such as diseases through sharing needles, overdoses and the risk to the public around drug users. Within the facility there will be rooms for consultation, injecting and recovering. 

A similar idea has been pursued in Portugal where an addict is seen as a patient rather than a criminal. Does it work? Well, drug rates within Portugal remain lower than their EU counterparts, with 10 drug deaths per million people compared to 85 in Norway.  

So, maybe the solution is treating people who are affected by drug addictions as people rather than outlaws to society? Maybe by destigmatising drug addiction, people can get the help they need? Maybe the tide is finally turning on the war with drugs within Scotland?  


Photo source: bbc   

Article by Jessica Walton

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