Solo vs Social Study

Published on 13 November 2024 at 13:12

studying and socializing?  

Many teenagers in this generation are under the pressure of committing to a deadline, and believe the only resolution is overloading with stress and studying isolated. Revising alone may be effective, but revising with friends who are just as determined can be more efficient.  

However, some of you may think that revising with friends leads to nothing but distraction and procrastination, but studies have shown that 23% more students pass when studying with a friend than those studying alone. Additionally, PubMed Central discusses that ‘friendships can positively impact students’ academic performance and grade point average by reducing stress and providing support,’ proving that success is not always achieved alone. An additional positive of this is that it can help expand your knowledge by sharing thoughts, ideas and discussing different topics, developing your skills for future life. Alternatively, revising socially will also increase your motivation and productivity levels, leading to a change in mindset and determination.  

On the other hand, doing work alone will not always lead to a bright future, looking after yourself and your wellbeing matters more. Examples of this are taking breaks, going on walks, and speaking with others which helps to relieve stress and increases mindfulness.  

Here at King Ed’s VI College, you can access a range of social spaces to study and complete work socially such as study hubs, the library, the Student Lounge, and many coffee shops nearby in the town. 


Article by Libby Steadman

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