What is your MP doing for you?

Published on 12 June 2024 at 12:43

A group of our students sat down in an interview with Suzanne Webb, Conservative MP for Stourbridge, where she outlined what she has been campaigning for on your behalf and what she has recently achieved for the local area.  

The younger generations financial security, the right to protest and safety in Stourbridge (both online and on the streets), were all heavily discussed topics. 

Why should young people vote Conservative in the next general election? 

With the next general election fast approaching, it is important to understand what your MP is doing for you. When asked this question by one of our students, Suzanne highlighted the need for financial security and the Conservative Party’s promise to provide it for generations to come. Despite the fact that the UK has been experiencing a recession in the recent months, she remained positive that the Conservatives could provide both the maintained financial stability and high employment required for economic prosperity and the short-term need for affordable housing.  

When discussing the issue of the housing market being unaffordable (due to the demand outweighing the supply) for our generation, Webb spoke with pride of how the Conservative party had built approximately 250,000 homes in the past year. Whilst this may seem like a positive step, the conservatives had originally promised to build 300,000 homes. 


What has Suzanne Webb achieved for Stourbridge recently? 

With rising knife crime in the local area, it was a priority for Suzanne to reinstate the Stourbridge police station. Along with a new police station housing 60 police officers, Webb has also promised that there will be an immediate response unit present in Stourbridge to increase safety.  

Webb also aims to make Stourbridge a knife-free zone. She aims to include knife safety talks within primary education to decrease the amount of young people who carry knives. She would also like to regulate social media’s role in spreading pro-knife propaganda.  


How to get your voice heard?  

Suzanne is fully in support of the right to protest and encourages young people to support the issues that they feel passionate about, however she did wish to remind students that any intimidation towards individual people would be ineffective as the intimidation is more likely to harm the surrounding workers protecting them. 

If you wish to contact Suzanne Webb regarding local issues or if you want to question her on national or international issues, contact her at: 

Constituency Office 

1A Worcester Street, Stourbridge, DY8 1AH 

01384 370 574 


Sophie Wheal

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