The secrets of success: Lessons Learned from West Bromwich Albions Layton Love

Published on 19 April 2024 at 16:00

Every young footballer fantasises about the alluring possibilities of success. The jubilation and triumph collected when imagination turns to reality, the judicious reaping of rewards as a result of one’s hard work, in addition to collectively celebrating your achievements with those closest to you – sounds perfect right? Although this is a dream of many, these ideologies do not highlight the long road to success and how obstacles along the way may affect a person mentally and physically. In this article, 19-year-old Layton Love will comment on the culmination of his footballing career in addition to the importance of perseverance and hard work.  

Love began playing football from a young age, signing a professional contract for West Bromwich Albion in 2023 at 18 years old after working his way from childhood teams to scholarships and finally academy football. He began playing for Old Wulfrunians where he developed his skills and passion for football, inducing a dream similar to others - to make it professionally. The U21 Premier league player, then signed for Albion aged 8 and has continued to work his way up since. Layton finished his final year as a scholar with double figures for the U18s - bagging an impressive 13 goals and an assist in 20 matches.  When asked what sparked his devotion to football, he stated “I have always been a football fan so growing up seeing the achievements of those successful inspired me to become more serious about my own career,” a view shared by many aspiring footballers.  

Although this part of his career has been successful, when asked about the obstacles he has faced over the years, Love highlighted the impact injuries had on his journey. “When I was thirteen to fifteen years old, I was experiencing severe growing pains meaning I could not play for a while - I watched my teammates continuing to develop their skills while I was not able to join them. It was a very lonely and depressing time for me to the point where I was considering dropping out of football completely.” This struggle illuminated by Love enforces the hidden difficulties many footballers face and how important a player's mental health is in correlation to their own career. Love advocates how family support is key for achievement, stating without them and their support he could not have gotten to where he is today. “My dad supported me a lot, he explained how proud he was of me for sticking with football even after my injuries and I think that encouraged me a lot”. 39% of 104 former footballers quit their field due to depression and anxiety off the pitch, this may hinder young careers in football, so the importance of a good support system is vital. Layton continues by conversing that being so young and having these mental difficulties while attempting to maintain a social life remained a prominent issue. “It was hard to decide whether I wanted to continue to pursue my career during this time, I was still trying to figure out life and how to maintain the social aspects of my teenage years on top of football. I think that never giving up is a valuable idea to have as if I did give up I wouldn’t have achieved what I have”. When starting a career in football, this idea may help encourage motivation and perseverance - two factors that play a huge role in furthering a career in sport. 

Many aspiring footballers may face the same hardships as Love, so what is the key to getting through? Layton discussed - “my advice to others with similar ambitions would be to always remember why you started and why you wanted this career in the first place. It’s important to remember your beginnings and how far you’ve come, just have fun and always play with a smile on your face”. He continues to state that if he could’ve done things differently, he would have “worked harder at a young age” and possibly be in a better situation then he is now. He stresses to always push yourself and aim to be the best player you can be even through difficult times.  

To conclude, aspiring footballers should find solace in those around them, remembering anything is possible with young player Layton Love as an advocate for this. His success may remind others that it is possible to achieve those childhood dreams, while recognising the importance of mental health. 

Article by Ellie-Rose Neale

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