The winter fuel budget is a benefit that eleven million pensioners are currently relying on to stay warm over winter.
Three hundred pounds – that is the difference between someone having to choose between food or warmth.
For some, it is the difference between life and death.
But now, it is being taken from nearly ten million people, many with chronic illnesses or disabilities.
Ten Million people who are going to suffer this winter.
Ten million of the most vulnerable members of society abandoned.
All to save one and a half billion pounds.
Yes, it is needed to cover a twenty-two billion budget deficit created by the Conservative government’s time in power.
Yes, one and a half billion pounds would go a long way towards helping our country rebuild.
But it will also only cover
For this, ten million people will suffer this Christmas, in cold, damp, unliveable homes, only supported by one of the lowest state pensions among first world nations.
Four thousand of those could die.
All to cover 6.8% of a budget deficit
Is that really enough money for us to turn our backs on some of the most vulnerable members of our society?
Is that really enough money for us to see nine and a half billion people suffer this Christmas?
Is that really enough for us to let four thousand innocent people die?
Is this the value of life?